Thursday, February 21, 2013

BT Tower breaks record for panoramic picture

World's largest panorama -- London.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Is It Safe to Visit?

Is It Safe to Visit? is built to answer a simple (and often asked) question: Is it safe to visit a specific country? The idea began when Andy Volk was traveling around the world, and as social disruptions came and went in places he was planning to visit, he needed a way to track the current "safety" advisory status of a country. When we came home, he talked about it with his friend (and recent MIT Media Lab graduate) Brent Fitzgerald, who happened to be another world traveler. Brent did the programming and design, Andy applied his product skills, and together they launched Is It Safe To Visit? in November 2008 as a joint venture of their two technology consulting / incubation companies, Downtempo and Taco Lab.