
BibMe - great automatic bibliography maker
EasyBib - not as good, but just in case
JSTOR - digital archive of academic journals
Direct Textbook - finds best price to buy or sell used textbooks
UCSD Campus LIVE - what does this function...?
Avoiding Common Writing Problems - unless one is a genius, it is best to aim at being intelligible
National Student Loan Data System - provides a centralized, integrated view of title iv loans and grants
San Diego Community College District
MIT OpenCourseWare - web-based publication of virtually all mit course content
Berkeley Webcast - select courses and events for on-demand viewing via the internet
Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative - open courses backed by learning research
QuickMBA - an online knowledge resource for business administration
ESRI - gis software and training
Great Lakes - "changing lives for the better" aka loan shark

UC San Diego
University of California, San Diego - official ucsd website
TritonLink - student tools and forms
WebCT - blackboard learning system
Career Services Center - assists undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni with career-related matters
Sixth College - culture, art, technology etc.
International Studies-Sociology - iss major requirements
Urban Studies and Planning - usp major curriculum
UCOP AYSO - employment information
Remote Printing Authorization - print from your computer
Zimride - find carpooling buddies

SOC 182 Site - ethnicity and indigenous peoples in latin america
USP Senior Sequence - website to the senior research project
LTEA 132 - haruki murakami, later japanese literature in translation
Music 132A - beginning classical guitar

Harvard Joint Degree Program in Law & Business
Cornell Department of City and Regional Planning
Cornell International Studies in Planning Concentration
Norwich University's Master of Arts in Diplomacy - online
Cornell University CRP Peace Corps Partnership - fellows or master international
Thunderbird + VLS - dual mba/jd degree
Peace Corps Fellows:
Cornell University - Planning (MRP)
Yale University - Joint Degrees, International Relations (MA)

GLOBIS - MBA program in Japan

Fun Words
aforementioned, despite, hence, henceforth, hitherto, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, precedent/unprecedented, quintessential, thereafter, thereby, thus, whereas, vis-à-vis