News, Blogs & Useful Websites

The News
The Washington Post
The Wall Street Journal
The New York Times
The New York Times Global Edition
CAPS Motley Fool
The Economist
US News & World Report
Wired News
Reuters - united kingdom-based news service and former financial market data provider that provides news reports from around the world to news media
Chinese Government - official web portal of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China
Xinhua News Agency - official press agency of the government of the prc and the biggest center for collecting information and press conferences in the prc
Sina - largest Chinese-language infotainment web portal
China Hush
Aljazeera - international news network headquartered in doha, qatar

Interesting Blogs
Talking Points Memo
Fake Steve - the secret diary of steve jobs
Google Blogs - directory of google's blogs
This Blog Rules
Village Voice
Oddee - features the odd, strange and bizarre things of our world
Traveler's Notebook
How to Japonese - daniel morales writes in english about japanese
How to Engrish - daniel morales writes in japanese about english
Saving Japan - a perspective that may hopefully spark change and reignite vibrance in the Land of the Rising Sun

Peace Corps
Dispatches from Ukraine - julia grebenstein, youth development in rivne, ukraine
Borderland Chronicles - christopher in artemovsk, ukraine
The Wolf of Insignificance - sam johnston in haivoron, ukraine
Tales from Tanzania - cameron bradley in tanzania
Musings from Mozambique - vivienne chao in mozambique
Yousef d Al-Maghrib - jonathan in morocco

Humble Pidgeon Strikes - sam lyon in china
College stories - aaron van tassel
The Key To My [ <3 ] - heidi grutter
In the Key of Life - kelsey pakelanani urauchi
nerdyconnie - connie trieu

Useful Websites
San Diego Better Business Bureau
Flex Your Rights
U.S. Debt Clock
Washington Post Top Secret America
Eddie on Everything
Annual Credit Report - the official site to help consumers to obtain their free credit report
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible - also the qur'an and book of mormon